
Tag summer 2017

Stories of chocolate ice cream

We would like to eat it every day, and when it’s not in our pantry we do nothing but think about it. We are enchanted by the ice cream showcases that showcase it. Dark black, lighter with milk, dark, according to taste. We’re talking about chocolate, of course! But have you ever wondered how this delicacy that we can’t live without is born? Probably taken by its taste you will never have asked yourself too many questions, but today we take away some curiosities.

Where does chocolate come from? The story begins in Latin America: here some beans have become food, cure, pleasure, gift, medicine. Join us on a journey through this fascinating story!

The history of chocolate begins 4,000 years ago in Mexico. This is where the first cocoa plants were found. The Olmec, one of the first civilizations of Latin America, was the first to transform the cocoa plant into chocolate, to use the drink as a medicine. Centuries later, the Maya proclaimed chocolate “drink of the gods”. It is said that, in the fifteenth century, however, the Aztecs used cocoa beans as currency. No one knows for sure when chocolate reached Europe. Legend has it that the explorer Hernán Cortés brought chocolate to his homeland starting in 1528. Cortés probably discovered chocolate during an expedition to the Americas. In search of gold and riches, however, he found a cup of cocoa that was offered to him by the Aztec emperor. When Cortés returned home, he introduced cocoa beans to the Spanish. Though still served as a drink, Spanish chocolate was mixed with sugar and honey to mellow the bitter taste. Chocolate quickly became popular with the wealthy.

But the Spaniards kept the chocolate all to themselves for quite some time! The rest of Europe was able to enjoy its goodness only after a century. In 1615 the French king Louis XIII married Anne of Austria, daughter of the Spanish king Philip III. To celebrate the union, he brought samples of the chocolate to the royal courts of France. After France, chocolate soon appeared in Britain in special “chocolate cases”.

The revolution that chocolate has been waiting for

Chocolate remained immensely popular among the European aristocracy. Royalty and the upper classes consumed this delicacy mostly for the health benefits. However, the chocolate was still made by hand, a slow and laborious process. But with the industrial revolution just around the corner, things were about to change. In 1828, the invention of the press revolutionized chocolate making. This innovative device could help cocoa butter escape from roasted cocoa beans, producing a fine cocoa powder. The powder was then mixed with liquids and poured into a mold, where solidified it became an edible bar. And just like that, the modern age of chocolate was born.

It was a short step from chocolate to ice cream

There are only a few days of summer left now, so we have to enjoy the last few mouthfuls of fresh ice cream to the fullest. But which flavor to choose? Chocolate, of course! According to the International Ice Cream Association, 30% of people prefer chocolate ice cream. But what is the first flavor that ice cream has encountered?

Some of the first frozen desserts were composed of shaved ice with flavored sugar syrups, a sort of modern granita. In the Middle East, they were known as sharbati or Serbian – the origin of the words sherbet and sherbet.

Because of this precedent, some of the oldest ice cream flavors were beverages, such as coffee and tea. That’s why chocolate ice cream was invented long before vanilla. The first frozen chocolate recipe was published in Naples in 1692 in the book The Modern Steward. Chocolate was a popular hot beverage in 17th-century Europe and was commonly mixed with spices such as cinnamon, chili peppers, aniseed, almonds, or musks (glandular extracts from musk deer). Today’s “Mexican chocolate” is actually a descendant of how chocolate was served at the Spanish court, not how it was conceived by the ancient peoples of Mexico.

Chocolate has without a shadow of a doubt revolutionized the world of ice cream which, until before meeting the food of the gods, had known only the taste of vanilla. Chocolate-flavored ice cream represents an important revolution precisely because of its complex processing and the delicate combinations that can distinguish it. As we have learned from its history, chocolate has always been considered a precious commodity, a real wealth that was forbidden to belittle! If the Mayans treasured it and the Spanish royals hid it greedily, today we certainly cannot use it as any other “flavor”.

That of chocolate ice cream therefore represents a real art, which not everyone possesses. As the great master chocolatiers teach us, it must be handled with care, know how to work it wisely and combine it cleverly. The taste of chocolate always knows how to touch the deepest strings of the soul, so we need to find the right way to enhance it together with other combinations that could prove to be successful.


Chocolate today: a real work of art to be handled with care

Today chocolate is a real work of art that few know how to handle. There are great gelato masters who have dedicated courses and studies only to this ingredient because its composition needs special care to become tasty chocolate. Distinguishing a low quality chocolate ice cream from one that takes us to heaven is not difficult, just activate the taste buds. An example of mastery in this field is undoubtedly Paolo Brunelli, the ice cream maker who according to Gambero Rosso produces the best chocolate ice cream in the world. Brunelli has always devoted great attention to experimentation and research of raw materials, betting everything on the short supply chain. Without ever putting aside the real human side, Paolo cares about people knowing exactly what they are eating. Paolo Brunelli is for this reason synonymous with quality.

But chocolate has also become the protagonist of many events, including the courses organized by Paolo Brunelli with Orion. An example is Sigep, the leading trade fair in the ice cream, pastry and artisanal sector. During the chocolate fair, panels such as “The Star of Chocolate” are dedicated, where the best manufacturing companies in Italy meet, bringing innovation to the chocolate processing sector, still considered the food of the gods today. Another event in which chocolate is the undisputed protagonist is the Eurochocolate of Perugia. During this real festival dedicated to the delicacy we love most, it is possible to taste chocolate in all its nuances (it is possible to try more than 10 types of chocolate), in different forms and accompanied by different combinations that you never expect.


Neapolitan, cat lady, talkative, compulsive tweeter, I can’t live without my smartphone at hand. I warn you: I’m worse than Lucy Van Pelt. I love words and every day I fight against my sworn enemies: typos. I’m not good at everything, on the contrary, the things I can’t do are considerably greater than the things I can do. For example, I can write but I can’t walk and drink at the same time.

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    Tastes of summer 2017: new trends for palate and mind

    With the arrival of summer, comes the desire to try something new. The evenings get longer, the stars get brighter and the mind seeks new stimuli, including (and above all) discovering new tastes and flavours. We’re talking about ice cream! What are the most innovative, traditional, particular flavors of summer 2017? Let’s discover them together!


    We are really curious to know what surprises for the palate are hidden inside the elegant ice cream parlors of the most renowned courses in Italy and the world. Summer 2017 has arrived and the heat of early Sunday afternoons, those of the most exclusive locations, are populated by tourists and personalities whose hearts, eyes and minds need something new. So what are the most exclusive flavors prepared by master ice cream makers for the long summer?

    During a walk or during a dinner in a luxury hotel, the ice cream moment is always the most appreciated. How to satisfy the tastes of your customers? Obviously with the wonder for the palate that your shop window hides, colored with a thousand flavors with a summer flavor.

    Instagram tips

    If your ice cream parlor or your hotel has an Instagram profile, you’ll know very well that the most social flavor of this summer season is black ice cream. A really interesting (and innovative) product created by the Little Damage ice cream parlor in Los Angeles. It is a preparation of almonds and charcoal: a completely black cone that immediately brings to mind the New York atmosphere of the Upper East Side. Elegance, minimal and retro atmosphere.

    Imagine the context: an ice cream parlor with a slightly vintage attitude, with an atmosphere purely inspired by the harmony between design and taste, refined furnishings, a breathtaking showcase. Inside he dominates: the black ice cream. An inspiration for mind and palate.

    Not only Los Angeles has dedicated itself to the minimalism of (almost) design ice cream makers. A similar product, creamier than the previous one, was made by Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream in New York. Even the big apple has been infected by black is the new black and traces the difference with the East Coast in the creamy texture. The element that characterizes the creaminess of the New York black ice cream is the black ash obtained from the coconut, with a very light sprinkling of cream and coconut milk. Amazing!

    On a laden table, at dessert time, a preparation characterized by contrasts between ingredients or working on the presentation with a high creative rate wins the heart of the most fearful of diners. Style is the absolute protagonist!

    Gambero Rosso decreta il gelato dell’estate

    Quando parliamo di maestri gelatieri e di tendenze gusto 2017 non possiamo esimerci dal consultare la guida alle Gelaterie d’Italia 2017 del Gambero Rosso. Qui l’eccellenza è condensata in 300 indirizzi che percorrono le strade del gusto “freddo” della penisola italiana, in lungo ed in largo. La guida Gambero Rosso decreta appena 36 gelaterie come eccellenze 3 coni per la qualità e l’innovazione per la ricercatezza del gusto gastronomico.

    Ti starai chiedendo cosa puoi imparare da queste 36 gelaterie: che la tradizione vince sempre. I gusti vellutati del cioccolato più buono d’Italia (titolo vinto da Paolo Brunelli), che i gusti più ricercati dai palati più raffinati sono quelli più classici o quelli preparati con frutta di stagione, magari serviti in piatto, con accompagnamento di eccellenze gastronomiche nostrane come il pistacchio di Bronte, famoso nel mondo.

    Un’altra interessante scoperta gastronomica della guida del Gambero Rosso è Dario Rossi ed il suo Greed Avid. Sembra quasi il personaggio colorato di un volume dell’Accademia della Crusca, ma questo “ragazzo” ha realizzato un prodotto interessante per i palati dei suoi consumatori. Un gelato senza glutine e preparato con elementi biologici e a chilometro zero selezionati sul proprio territorio. Questo preparato così ricercato vince il premio di Miglior Gelato Gastronomico d’Italia, un omaggio alla cultura e alla natura dei Castelli Romani.

    Trarre ispirazione dalla propria cultura locale, con prodotti preparati con elementi naturali e del territorio, serviti con un accompagnamento frizzante (che ne pensi di un vino, magari brulè) a contrastare il sapore dolce del gelato?

    La variegatura: l’intramontabile bellezza della diversità

    Inutile mentire: tutti amiamo variare, anche nell’arte della gelateria. E quando un gusto stanca, si prova con la variegatura. Dalla più classica amarena al cioccolato, è sempre un gusto che si rinnova ogni estate, anche sulle tavole più eleganti. La differenza sostanziale sta nella “purezza” degli ingredienti: mentre al nord viene preferito più consistente, il sud Italia ama il gusto accennato, come qualcosa che arriva e sconvolge, ma ti abbraccia mente e palato.

    Un variegato particolare che si propone come gusto artigianale nelle più esclusive gelaterie italiane ed internazionali è il sorbetto fragola e peperone rosso, sapientemente variato, l’About Strawberry and red pepper. Un gusto davvero curioso che potrebbe conquistare gli avventori più pretenziosi dei nostri locali. Questa piccola chicca gastronomica accontenta davvero tutti: può essere accoppiato con un piatto salato per essere proposto come alternativa in un elegante cena, oppure semplicemente offerto come dessert in gelateria.

    Umami al gusto Thai

    Il quinto gusto del palato, definito umami dai giapponesi, si fa largo anche tra i gelatieri italiani. Dopo essersi intrufolato nel laboratorio di Paolo Brunelli ed essersi trasformato in “saporosità”. Dopo aver “costretto” ogni gelateria e locale a vestirsi di un’atmosfera fuori dal comune , l’umami si trasferisce direttamente in vetrina, sotto i riflettori. Diventa ancora più concreto nell’ultimo trend in fatto di gelati per l’estate 2017. Parliamo del gelato stile Thai.

    La Thailandia: esotica, unica, inaspettata, iconica. Nulla di più lontano dalla sua traduzione enogastronomica che si fa minimalità gelatiera. “Lasciate ogni dettaglio, o voi che gustate”, sembra quasi urlare questa nuova misé del gelato di lusso: addio al cono e benvenuta coppa. Un equilibrio di fusione tra prodotto e presentazione: la spatola riduce al minimo la preparazione liquida del gusto scelto e ne fa una lastra sottilissima che diventa, poi, rotolo. Questi vengono disposti ad arte nella coppa e miscelati con ogni elemento scenografico e culinario possa esser nella mente del cliente: nocciola, cocco, pistacchio, granelle, sciroppi.

    Insomma, un vero Ice ‘n roll da servire all’istante e gustare altrettanto velocemente.


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    Digital Strategist innamorata (persa) del digitale. Aiuto le piccole aziende a raccontarsi in rete attraverso la comunicazione morbida. Credo negli abbracci digitali che diventano reali e che il mondo sia una giungla ma se sei strategicamente te stesso e sorridi forte (forse) ti salvi.

    Mi occupo di copywriting, content design e social media marketing.

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